
Damn! Why couldn't they have appointed Smoog to be the designer of curriculum for my high school economics course?

cat - website of choice
2005-11-29 02:06:20

Well, that explains it. They're all stuffed.

radiogurl - website of choice
2005-11-29 07:34:49


Trance - website of choice
2005-11-29 12:18:03

How could I have not seen that you updated yesterday?? Also, what you said about the stuff with the stuff, and stuff? That kind of sums up why I thought you might have gone to live n a yurt. Welcome back!

Meany - website of choice
2005-11-30 13:31:11

Yurt! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurt!

Speaking of which, I was flipping through the December issue of Scientific American, heading straight for my favourite, the Skeptic column written by Michael Shermer, and what is it titled? Nothing less than Mr. Skeptic Goes to Esalen. He doesn't talk about the yurts - but he does talk about the psycho hippies. You can find it on the website if you do a search for "Esalen". Links still seem to get fucked up in the comments page here, so I can't post it.

Smoog - website of choice
2005-11-30 18:08:55

Actually, I'll just post the link here, and "Smoog's site" for this post will be the Mr. Skeptic Esalen article. Am I not a smart bunny?

Don't answer that.

Smoog - website of choice
2005-11-30 18:10:14

Wait, I'm confused - I was okay up until the bit about "pulses" and then I got lost. Because, like, are the law-degree people promoting the health, environmental and animal welfare benefits of a vegetarian diet by stealing everyone else's aduki, chickpeas, whole lentils, marrowfat peas, mung and soya beans? Or are they using child labour to grow them? Or are they stooges for the beef industry, trying to force everyone else to eat meat - or, worse still, soylent green? Love, R xxx

hissandtell - website of choice
2005-11-30 18:13:46

Oh, and it goes without saying that I'm awfully glad you and your fabulous bosoms are back, darling. x

hissagain - website of choice
2005-11-30 18:14:43

Hmm, ok. But how do you explain the futures market?

Gabriel - website of choice
2005-12-05 12:29:58

As of Mar. 26, 2007, only Diaryland members will be able to post comments. Hopefully this will change soon, but I'm being spammed with 40-50 porn links in my comments pages a day, and it has to stop.

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