
Your Diary was on the other end of an awesome banner. I have done the smoking while writing thing�years of smokes hanging out of my mouth leaving pot holes in a great number of things. Sorry kids. Your Diary is wonderful, hilarious, and a great read. I too have several siblings many living out of this state, our get together much like yours. I read back through several of your entries, love your mind. I hope you don't mind I am adding you to my list of favorites�I want to back track through your Diary and would hate to miss further musing's. Anytime I need to laugh at our twisted life�I'll visit. Sandyz

Fightn4life - website of choice
2005-06-19 12:02:45

hehehe� hum. You're on my fave list now, too. :-)

trufula - website of choice
2005-06-21 09:56:43

As of Mar. 26, 2007, only Diaryland members will be able to post comments. Hopefully this will change soon, but I'm being spammed with 40-50 porn links in my comments pages a day, and it has to stop.

name stuff:

email stuff:

url stuff:

comment stuff (HTML functional - and these comments
do NOT add automatic linebreaks.
You'll need to use the HTML
code <br> to add them):

Get me the hell back where I came from!

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